Grouphug Solar

Community Organizing Tips from TownOfUlsterCitizens.Org

In this edition of our Community Climate Champions series highlighting individuals and organizations building a better future for their communities, we focus on TownOfUlsterCitizens.Org.  Before founding TownOfUlsterCitizens.Org, long-term Ulster, New York resident Laura Harmann had never been too involved in politics or local government. She never thought she’d create a town organization to fight for…

Love environment

13 Signs You Love the Environment

Nature lovers are bonded by shared ideas, habits, and emotions. Think you fit in? These are 13 signs that you love the environment. 1. You get abnormally excited over animals–even everyday animals like squirrels via GIPHY Exotic animals that you might never get to see in the wild, like whales, tigers, or elephants, are special.…