Scott shares Solstice’s mission with the world through blog and media content. Prior to joining our team, he worked as a researcher and writer at Harvard Kennedy School, where he wrote about government innovations in emerging data systems and technologies. He joined Solstice to apply his passion for writing to a powerful movement for environmental and social good. A lifelong swimmer and outdoor enthusiast, Scott can often be found diving into the ocean, admiring local wildlife, climbing trees, or writing Frost-esque poetry.

3 Central Hudson Bill Pay Tips

Like it or not, you get a Central Hudson bill every month. Worse, chances are you’re devoting more time and money than you should toward it. Cut out the extra time and cost with these 3 tips that’ll slash your bills. Unless you’ve taken yourself completely off the grid, you have to pay an energy…

3 Orange & Rockland Bill Pay Tips

Paying your Orange & Rockland bill? More than likely, you’re spending hundreds or thousands of dollars more than you need to. Reclaim that money, and the time you spent paying it, in 3 easy steps. We all need energy in our homes to function, so paying energy bills should be simple and worry-free. Unfortunately, for…

Communities Can Solve Climate Change

Why Communities Can Solve Climate Change

People, organizations, and nations around the world are making new commitments to solve climate change. But it’s not clear who’s going to take the lead. In all the commotion, tight-knit communities are emerging as leaders in the movement to protect our climate. Communities Are the Right Size For Action Climate change is a global challenge. Carbon…

Love environment

13 Signs You Love the Environment

Nature lovers are bonded by shared ideas, habits, and emotions. Think you fit in? These are 13 signs that you love the environment. 1. You get abnormally excited over animals–even everyday animals like squirrels via GIPHY Exotic animals that you might never get to see in the wild, like whales, tigers, or elephants, are special.…