5 Truly Odd Ways to Reverse Climate Change

“The Solstice team has collectively spent decades studying solutions to climate change, but even we were shocked by some of these solutions. We got so excited that we put to gather a list of the five most interesting and unexpected solutions…” Recent changes in energy, agriculture, and transportation have made clean solutions more efficient and…

Your Guide to Energy Savings: Ten Easy, Effective Steps You Can Take to Live More Sustainably

Signs of America’s support for sustainability and energy efficiency are everywhere, from our overwhelming approval for solar development to our rapid adoption of energy-saving LED light bulbs. What actions can you take today, though, to make your home more energy-efficient and sustainable? And what are the more effective home modifications for the truly committed? Sometimes…

Here’s How Community Solar Farms Can Be Developed to Protect Their Local Environment

Solar energy provides many benefits compared to fossil fuel generation, perhaps most notably the ability to address large-scale environmental problems like pollution and climate change. But like many of you, we’re also concerned with our solar farms’ local impacts. If a solar farm is developed without considering effects to its local environment, it can harm…