Dear Solstice Community,

Over the past three years, I have worked with you all to expand access to clean energy in the U.S. When I started, we were a fledgling startup working to clarify our mission and establish our programming in the budding field of community solar. Now, we’ve established a clear mission and vision, a rapidly expanding team, direct and measurable social and environmental impact, and innovative programs. The transformation has been incredible: we are on the brink of commercializing the EnergyScore, we are collecting data for one of the most comprehensive research projects on equity in community solar to date in partnership with the Department of Energy, and we are in the midst of pioneering a revolutionary new model for community-led solar development.

With an exciting strategy planned, sound financial and operational footing, and an accomplished and passionate staff at the ready, I have decided to step down from my position as Executive Director to make room for a new, visionary leader to take Solstice into its next stage of development. 

It has been extremely rewarding to bring our society one step closer to an energy system that is both sustainable and just. The future of Energy Allies’ work is grounded in community-based education, advocacy, and innovation. I am excited to have the opportunity to onboard a new Executive Director who will bring leadership experience along with a passion for energy democracy and community-based work.

Today, we are launching our public search for our new leader. I will remain in my role as Executive Director until we have found our next leader before moving on to my next to-be-determined adventure. I remain as committed to Solstice’s mission as ever, and I look forward to continuing to support Solstice as an advisor, donor, and champion.

We are fortunate to have a strong and devoted Board of Directors as well as an amazing network of supporters who made this incredible progress possible. Energy Allies is in this position because of your belief in our mission. I am extremely grateful for your leadership and partnership. I am honored to be a part of this community.

As Robin Wall Kimmerer said in Braiding Sweetgrass, “As we work to heal the earth, the earth heals us.” As I have spent these three years working to ensure that our energy system becomes less extractive and more inclusive, the Solstice community, including our staff, partners, and program participants, has inspired me and reassured me on a daily basis that a future of justice and healing for our world and its people is possible.

With gratitude,

Lauren Levine